三田国際学園中 2019年度受験用サンプル問題


_ (文/スタディエクステンション代表・鈴木裕之)

三田国際を受験予定の方はすでにご存知だと思いますが、今年度のサンプル問題では、従来出題されていたDictationがなくなり、新たにReasoningというパートが加わっています。Reasoningは、logical reasoningという「論理的推論」を指す場合もありますが、三田国際で出題されるのは、数的推理に近いもので、ほとんど算数の問題と言ってよいです。



Read each question and write your solution in the space provided on the answer sheet.

Use the following table to answer question 1.

Table 1: Time spent playing video games per week

Hours Number of Participants
Less than 1 18
1~3 43
3~6 35
More than 6 23

Table 1 (shown above) shows the result of a survey answered by 120 students. Based on the results of the survey, out of 400 students, how many would you expect to play video games for more than 6 hours per week?



George's inheritance from his great uncle came to $225,000 after taxes. If George invests this money in a savings account at 7.3% simple interest, how much will he earn from the account each year?

2の問題では、「simple interest(単利、利息)」が理解できるかどうかが鍵です。

Ami's dog is leashed to a post in the center of a large yard, so that the area the dog is able to go is circular. The leash is 18 feet long. What is the area of the region that the dog is able to explore? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

3の問題では、「round......to the nearest tenth(小数第1位にまるめる)の理解がポイント。square feetという単位までは書くことを求められてはいないでしょうが、ふだん平方センチ(平方メートル)でなじんでいる面積の単位にも留意しておきたいところです。

Garry keeps his white and black chess pieces in separate bags. For each color, there are 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 1 queen, and 1 king. If Garry takes 3 pieces at random from the bag with the white pieces, what is the probability that he draws 2 pawns and a knight (in any order)?


Keita has a pair of twin sisters. The product of his age and his two sisters' ages equals 108. The sum of their ages is an even number. How old is Keita and how old are his sisters?

5では、product(積)とsum(和)、even number(偶数)がポイントです。この際、商や差、奇数なども英語での言い方を調べておきましょう。

